Hayk Petrosyan

Year of Birth - 1990 Yerevan, Armenia




2007-2013 Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography, Acting Master’s Degree (Sos Sargsyan's studio) 


Work Experience


 2008-2021- Yerevan State Chamber theatre - Actor

2021- until now Hamazgayin State Theatre after Sos Sargsyan - Actor Worked in Shant, ATV, Yerkir Media TV stations as an actor and



Played roles in the theatre


1. "Anush" by H. Tumanyan - Saro

2. "The Uninvited Guest" by S. Bartokhova - Mark

3.  "Sexual Chaos Hotel" by  R. Kuni - Waiter

4. "Love the French way" - Bernard

5. "Castinge" - Director

6. "Sasuntsi David" by H. Tumanyan - Ashugh, Sudi

7. "Mandarin liqueur" - Arthur